The X. William Yang Lab @ UCLA
CoExMap Viewer 1.8

Welcome to CoExMap Viewer 1.75

The UCLA CoExMap Viewer lets users explore results and underlying data of a large scale Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) of hundreds of samples from intact mouse striatum at 6-month of age. These modules are annotated based on their enrichment of cell type marker genes, molecular complexes, and diurnal-rhythmically expressed genes. It also contains the gene perturbation transcriptomic signatures of differentially expressed genes from 52 heterozygous knockout mice and wildtype controls, and their enrichment in the CoExMap modules.

Users can explore network modules, their genes, enrichment and inter-module relationships, download both the underlying data and result tables, and also submit their own gene sets for analysis of enrichment in the modules.

This application was developed by the X. William Yang Lab at Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior and David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in collaboration with CHDI Foundation and Rancho Biosciences. It is as an online supplement for a publication by Nan Wang, Peter Langfelder, Xiang Lu, Leonya Ivanov, Jeffrey S. Aaronson, Jim Rosinski, Steve Horvath, X. William Yang and other collaborators (Wang, Langfelder et al., ).”

Please cite this article in press as: Wang et all, Mapping brain gene coexpression in daytime transcriptomes unveils diurnal molecular networks and deciphers perturbation gene signatures, Neuron(2022),

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